Thursday, November 3, 2011

I love the snow but having no power......

Winter might be my favorite season because that means snowboarding season is coming up. Although this year I am a little scared to go snowboarding since last year I broke my wrist. I broke my wrist the day before New Year’s Eve. I welcomed the years 2011 with a nice big cast on wrist that went all the way up to my elbow. I was in so much pain that I didn’t want to go anywhere. I just wanted to stay in bed and watch the ball drop but my boyfriend and family would not let me stay home. It was horrible. It was the first time I ever broke anything and I was acting like such a baby about it. I couldn't do anything myself, it was my right wrist and I am a righty. I felt like a baby depending on my mom to help me do my hair and get dressed for New Years Eve. I was a royal you know what that day. This year I will be fully prepared when I go snowboarding, I will have a brace on BOTH of my wrists, just in case!

So anyway, I do love the snow and was excited that it snowed so early but having no power for 3 days was really horrible. No heat, no TV, no lights, no internet, no coffee machine.. I have never realized how dependent I was on electricity until the power was out for 3 days. My family and I would take car rides just to stay warm and to get coffee, at Starbucks of courseJ. It was so cold in my house we had the fire place burning, so many candles lit, and lots and lots of blankets. While we had no power for three days my family and I played a lot of bored games, talked, and ordered food. It was nice to spend some quality time with my family, but we did miss the TV very much!

How did everyone else do without the power? Did anyone else lose power for more than three days?

1 comment:

  1. Where I live, power outages are common. Most everyone has a generator. We have one, but it was not working. I am very prepared for times like these. We have learned over the years to keep many extras on hand. The thing I can't live without is coffee. While there is a DD near my house, I still need to have it first thing in the morning. Since we have a gas stove, I am able to boil water and got a Bodum coffee press. It's not my favorite method of making coffee, but it gets the job done. It is amazing how reliant we are on things. I love the snow too! Hope you forget all about your injury and enjoy the snowboarding when the season arrives.
