Monday I finally got in touch with my teacher that I will be observing under. After countless voice mails and emails sent, she finally emailed me back on Monday and I will be going to George Washington Middle School tomorrow for the day. I'm excited and also really nervous, but mostly excited. I will be with an in-class support science teacher. I'm not to thrilled about being in a science classroom all day, but there is nothing I can do about that. Hopefully I can work something out with the teacher she will send me into another classroom. (fingers are crossed)
good luck to my other classmates that will be observing tomorrow as well.
... and happy thursday, hope you all have a good weekend!
I hope you love observing as much as I do. I agree, I wouldn't want to be in a science classroom either. You will be surprised, you might actually enjoy it. I know last semester I was observing in a few English classes and I wasn't thrilled about it. After a while, I learned that it is similar to History and started to enjoy it. Have fun with the middle schoolers, they are a blast! Once they get used to you being there, they will look forward to seeing you everyday. I was also a little bit nervous as well, but if you have a good teacher, then you will not be as nervous !