Tuesday, December 13, 2011

first final today

We are almost done guys!! Today I have my first final in my Assessment issues class. It is a class for special education. I love it! I have learned so much in this class that I will be able to use in my classroom in the future. To get your special education certification you just need to take four of the special education classes and it is totally worth it if you are interested in special education. My professor is a 4th grade math special education teacher and has been for many years. She was able to tell us many of her personal experiences while she was teaching in her special education classroom. Hearing what she has gone through was really great because it gave us all a heads up and a little background information so we know what to expect when we have our own classroom. I have really enjoyed this class and look forward for my next special education class next semester.

good luck on all of your finals guys and have a great holiday break <3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

last day of classssessssss!!!

Ah yes it is the last day of classes! I have finished all my work for all of my classes and now all I have to do I study for finals. One more week is left of the semester and it can’t come soon enough! The semester went so fast I just hope next semester goes just as fast. This has been one CRAZYYYY semester with the hurricane, snow storm in October, and then the power outages it just never ends.

Good luck to everyone on their finals!! <3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last week of classes before finals!

I am so happy that this is the last week of classes. I am in need of a month off from school! Over my break I will be working at Macy's and spending time with my family and friends. The first week of January I am going to Vermont with group of my friends and I cannot wait. All of my friends go away to school and I am the only one that stayed home. So I am so excited to be going away with them and getting to spend time with them. My good friend, Emily, just got an apartment in the city and she just moved in so as soon as I am done with finals I will be going into the city to help her get settled into her new place. Over the Holidays is when all my family gets together. For Christmas Eve we have everyone over my house and on Christmas day we go to my Grandmother’s house. We have done this every year for as long as I can remember :)

What are everyone else’s plans over the long break?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Job interview/ end of the semester

First I just would like to say that I hope every had a wonderful thanksgiving with their families, I know I did!

Today I have a job interview at Macy's im really nervous because you never really know what to expect at a job interview. They can really ask you anything. This job is for the holidays but I am hoping that they will keep me on after the holidays. Times are tough and one job for me isnt cutting it. Especially this time of year.

Well the semester is almost over guys ! It went by so fast, I cant believe it. It's that time again when everything is due at one time and fianls are around the corner. Good luck to everyone!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I forgot to post this on 11/10/11 -- Thursdayyy

I lovee thursdayy! Finally means that I get a 3 day weekend. Although the semester is coming to an end which means that everything is due at one time. I have lots and lots of things to work on this weekend such as, my teacher website, webquest, two papers, outline an article, and lots of other school related work. I want to get all of this done, well I have to get all of this done before thanksgiving break. Before we know it this semester is going to be over. CRAZYNESS! I cant blieve how fast this semester has gone.

I hope everyone is doing well this semester. Good luck!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I love the snow but having no power......

Winter might be my favorite season because that means snowboarding season is coming up. Although this year I am a little scared to go snowboarding since last year I broke my wrist. I broke my wrist the day before New Year’s Eve. I welcomed the years 2011 with a nice big cast on wrist that went all the way up to my elbow. I was in so much pain that I didn’t want to go anywhere. I just wanted to stay in bed and watch the ball drop but my boyfriend and family would not let me stay home. It was horrible. It was the first time I ever broke anything and I was acting like such a baby about it. I couldn't do anything myself, it was my right wrist and I am a righty. I felt like a baby depending on my mom to help me do my hair and get dressed for New Years Eve. I was a royal you know what that day. This year I will be fully prepared when I go snowboarding, I will have a brace on BOTH of my wrists, just in case!

So anyway, I do love the snow and was excited that it snowed so early but having no power for 3 days was really horrible. No heat, no TV, no lights, no internet, no coffee machine.. I have never realized how dependent I was on electricity until the power was out for 3 days. My family and I would take car rides just to stay warm and to get coffee, at Starbucks of courseJ. It was so cold in my house we had the fire place burning, so many candles lit, and lots and lots of blankets. While we had no power for three days my family and I played a lot of bored games, talked, and ordered food. It was nice to spend some quality time with my family, but we did miss the TV very much!

How did everyone else do without the power? Did anyone else lose power for more than three days?