Thursday, December 8, 2011

last day of classssessssss!!!

Ah yes it is the last day of classes! I have finished all my work for all of my classes and now all I have to do I study for finals. One more week is left of the semester and it can’t come soon enough! The semester went so fast I just hope next semester goes just as fast. This has been one CRAZYYYY semester with the hurricane, snow storm in October, and then the power outages it just never ends.

Good luck to everyone on their finals!! <3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last week of classes before finals!

I am so happy that this is the last week of classes. I am in need of a month off from school! Over my break I will be working at Macy's and spending time with my family and friends. The first week of January I am going to Vermont with group of my friends and I cannot wait. All of my friends go away to school and I am the only one that stayed home. So I am so excited to be going away with them and getting to spend time with them. My good friend, Emily, just got an apartment in the city and she just moved in so as soon as I am done with finals I will be going into the city to help her get settled into her new place. Over the Holidays is when all my family gets together. For Christmas Eve we have everyone over my house and on Christmas day we go to my Grandmother’s house. We have done this every year for as long as I can remember :)

What are everyone else’s plans over the long break?