Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Midterms...it never ends

So I have one more midterm which is tomorrow. I am ready to take it and I really want to get it over with! My midterms were so spread out. In a way it was great because I had more time to study for all of my exams but it wasnt so great because I still have one more to take.

Yesterday, Monday morning at 10am I finally got back my american lit. midterm. I was unsure how I did on it so I was kinda freaked out when I heard my name called.  I got a B on it!! It was the perfect way to start off my monday morning. I was smiling the entire morning. I felt like such a nerd but I worked had for that B and I am happy with it, because I did my best :)

Well, one more midterm to go. I feel like everyone has finished taking all there midterms and I still have one more. Oh well. 

Wish me luck!

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